Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Color of Love


Ahh, love is in the air… Take a whiff…Don’t you just love the smell of chocolates and flowers?

I love Valentine’s Day!  I love flowers and chocolate and telling flower arrangementthose around me how much I love and care about them.  I love seeing florist delivery vans carrying flowers in to unsuspecting recipients!  But, most of all, I think I enjoy Valentine’s Day so much because I simply love the color RED!   

Red Oscar de la Renta Chair- Century Furniture Red is vibrant and energetic and passionate. Whether it’s a luscious lipstick, a fast sports car, or a beautiful chair or fabric, red can add life and pizzazz now matter where it is

Chanel Rouge Hydrabase Creme Lipstick Red Audi S4

 Thibaut Addison Damask-River Road Coll.- Metallic on Cranberry

When I suggest red, some clients are very apprehensive.  I just always recommend using it in a way that makes them feel most comfortable in their space. Some clients feel that where red is concerned, a little goes a long way, while others are ready to “turn up the heat!”

Happy Heart’s Day to you!  Be sure to go out and “paint the town red!”  How much paint is, of coarse, up to you!

Audi S4